Archive for the ‘Fashion’ Category



How to Tie a Skinny Tie

With the return of the skinny tie to men’s fashion, I’m asked often what’s the best knot for it. Lately I have helped friends, family and even a men’s apparel store salesman with their tie tying issues (he had trouble with a bow tie, however). Personally I like to use the four-in-hand  or the Half Windsor knot for the skinny tie. The Full Windsor is too bulky and looks dumb on a thin tie. Also, I would not recommend the Full Windsor unless you are wearing a spread collar shirt that allows for the larger, bulkier knot. Here’s a couple of videos on how to tie two of the most popular knots. What’s your favorite knot? How do you feel about the skinny tie come back?

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Guys, What Does Your Watch Say About You?

It’s no secret that men wear watches as a fashion. Ok so watches tell time as well, but for centuries, a man’s watch says more about his personality and fashion sense than most any other accessory. Yes, accessory, deal with it. So what does your watch say about you? Here’s a quick guide to men’s watches and their meaning. Timex: you’re practical and no-nonsense kind of guy. For you, it’s your fashionable non-fashion statement. I’m not pretentious like those jerks who wear expensive watches and  the money I saved on not buying an expensive watch I made an extra mortgage payment on my house. Do you know you can pay your house off in half the time you if many an extra payment a year? Sports watch: I’m a competitor. After I leave this meeting, I’m going a mile swim, 20 miles bike ride and then run a 10k. If…

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Are You Ready for Cuffs, High Waters and No Socks?

I remember wearing penny loafers with no socks sometime in the late 80’s. J.Crew. is bringing that look back and has added a new twist: the folded cuff to both jeans and khakis. While this style is not for every one, it can be a playful and somewhat dressy with some even folding their suit pant. One interesting trend that’s coming back along with the folded cuff is the higher hem with no break at the shoe line, or “high waters” if you prefer. Take a look: Guys what do you think? Would you feel comfortable wearing cuffed khakis with no socks? Ladies, do you think your man would wear this look?

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Product + Experience = Power Brand. The Imogene+Willie Jeans Story

This is a Fashion Friday Mashup. It’s as much about a fashion trend as it is about how to create a brand and a customer experience that matches the brand promise. This week I bought my first pair of Imogene + Willie Jeans after my friend Zach Sutton showed up in church wearing a pair and sent me to their website. You probably have never heard of them. You will. This is a husband and wife team, Carry and Matt Eddmenson who have created not only a business, but a story, an experience and a product that embodies both. The cornerstone of Imogene + Willie Jeans is their unwashed jeans you have to break in over several wears. They suggest you only wash them every six months and even then do it gently. I’m breaking in my pair as I write this post. The jeans is simple without embroidery, holes,…

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The Skinny Tie is Back!

The skinny tie is back. The thin, streamlined tie was popular during the 50’s and 60’s then made a brief come back during the mid 80’s in the form of the knit or sock tie. However, it’s now back and I believe it’s here to stay for a while. Justin Timberlake has been sporting one for the past couple of years now. What’s your take on the skinny tie?

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To Iron or Not to Iron? The Rise of the Wrinkled Shirt

Lately I have been wearing wrinkled shirts. On purpose. The iron hasn’t been near them. I call this the “crumpled look.” It has not been an easy transition for me, but I have found a strange freedom from the Land of Starch where I lived in for so many years. I remember going to the cleaners with my cotton shirts and asking for extra, extra starch on my button down shirts. The starch would build up after a few washes and eventually the shirts could stand up on their own. Once I even nick my neck with a particularly sharp collar. So today I’m wearing something that’s not only not starched, it actually has wires sewn into the shirt so I can bend and twist the fabric in case it doesn’t look crumpled enough. I must confess that it has taken me a while to get to this point. So…

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Men’s Fashion Trends for 2011

For the last Fashion Friday of 2010, we look forward to the trends in menswear for 2011, specifically what’s coming up for the Spring. A see a fee overarching trends that will carry into the new year among them the continuing reinvention of the 80’s fashions with argyle sweaters, skinny ties and the resurgence of the Member’s Only jackets. Linen, while it has never been out of style, I believe will make a stronger come back next summer. in 2011 we’ll see more pattern mixing for men and bold color accents in traditional gray or navy suits. Here’s what top designers trends are showing for next season: In 2011 men’s clothing will still be cut slim and tight. That means it’s not a very forgiving look if you’re carrying on a few extra pounds. Designer clothing or not, remember that ill-fitting clothing will make even the most expensive items look…

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What Your Tech Accessory Says About You

Fashion accessories say a lot about a person. Your technology “clothing” says even more about the kind of person you are. Since everyone at The A Group got iPads as Christmas gifts this week, I’m featuring in today’s Fashion Friday edition iPad covers and how they are a reflection of their owners. Take a look at these: What’s your iPad cover of choice? What does it say about your style?

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Should I Wear a Hat?

So what’s the deal with men’s hats? Who should wear them and what style? Hats have been a staple of men’s fashion since Adam decided to wear a nice crown made of bay leaves, so the rumor goes. Some hats are more utilitarian, like Beanies, keep our heads warm during the cold months, even though they have become a fashion statement from gyms to red carpet events. Others, like the Fedora, set men apart in a crowd.  But no matter what kind of hat you decide to wear, it will make a fashion statement. While the modern-day hat is not quite as elaborate as its ancestor. Here’s a helpful news segment from CBN’s Early Show featuring the Editor of GQ magazine: No matter what hat you wear, keep these few rules in mind: Make sure the hat fits your head. Go to a hat store, or one that sells hats,…

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Men, You Don’t Need Designer or Expensive Clothes to Look Good

Monday evening I was sitting at the City of Brentwood Planning Commission Meeting when an architect approached the podium facing the commissioners’ bench. His pants drooped down the back in large folds as if he were wearing a big diaper underneath. I tried not to pay attention but my mind kept asking the question: “Didn’t he look at his back when he bought these pants?” The answer was obviously, “no.” Today’s Friday Fashion post goes beyond labels. It’s not even about style. It’s about one of the foundations of western apparel. It’s simple and yet one of the most neglected men’s fashion rules in America. Why don’t we wear clothes that fit? I have seen people take expensive, designer clothing and make them look cheap because they were the wrong size. I have known physically fit and well-proportioned men look frumpy and disheveled because their pants, shirts or coats were…

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