Archive for the ‘humor’ Category



Sometimes Only A Song Can Capture the Moment

From time to time a song comes along and speaks to so many people. This one spoke to me. I have heard that prayer changes people. Well, maybe not in this case. Should I feel bad for enjoying this song?

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Are You Addicted to Social Media?

This is a very funny video parody on why social media will ruin your family. Are you or a family member at risk?

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You Might Be Holding to Your Youth Too Tight If

Every good communicator has to be a student of human nature. After all you cannot connect a message with an audience you don’t understand. Some of us, myself included, have decided not to age gracefully. Heck, to some have waged full blown war on aging. But even our best attempts of staying young sometimes backfires. You might be holding on to your youth a bit too tight if: 1. You buy your clothes at the same store as your teenage children 2. You have a punch card for your Bottox treatments (13th is free!) 3. Your “maintenance plan” includes a team consisting of a cosmetic dentist, a dermatologist and homeopathic Chinese Lady with exotic herbs. 4. You crave protein bars. 5. Instead of buying hair color, you’re now buying hair. 6. You run for treats. 7. You have considered having a “six-pack abs” spray painted on your belly, several times.…

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Bad, Really Bad Church Signs, Part II

For the Friday post I’m going back to a place where I know and love well and where fun material abounds: the church. How many times have you driven by a church sign that, while well intentioned, it was, let’s just say, poorly executed. These signs speak for themselves even when we wish they wouldn’t. What’s the worst church sign you can remember?

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Stupid Stuff Christian Men Should Never Say on a Date

I’ve been asked to write about how Christian men should communicate on dates by some of the single readers of this blog (all 3 of them). Since I have not been single in over 20 years, I’ve asked my friend KelcieKay Sberna to help me out by sharing her experience in the dating scene. Here’s her account. This is a list that I have compiled over the past couple years; years filled with bad dates and creepy suitors. I have a career in ministry so I find that my dates are usually evangelical men 25-30 years of age. These are all actual accounts from my dates, however fictitious they might sound. I will marry the man of God who doesn’t commit any of the following crimes. Sending flowers the day of the date is an excellent idea. However, attaching a note that says “Imagine how much more romantic I will…

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Yet Another Reason Men Need Women

Men need women. I know that’s a broad and general statement emotionally and philosophically charged, but it’s true. We all know Adam was lonely because he couldn’t find a companion so God created Eve. But in His infinite wisdom, God knew that Adam left alone would probably do a lot of stupid things, that, with Eve in the picture, could be avoided. Women after all have enough sense to know when something is utterly stupid, which most of us men, don’t have. My theory is that God decided to add the that’s-stupid-don’t-you-dare-do-it skill to Eve’s DNA after he spent time with Adam.  I know some of you who read my tweets and Facebook posts believe that I lack an inner monologue and self-editing skills. Trust me, without my wife, it would be worse, much worse. Not sure what I’m talking about? Well, let me illustrate: I rest my case. What’s…

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