Selfishness: a Team Killer


Some call it self preservation. I call it selfishness. As a consultant I see selfishness and a lack of respect for the team that happens in most organizations, including in ministry. But this less-than-ideal motivation is often masked as an altruistic quality by its offender. Here are few examples of how people hide their selfishness in business settings.

Selfishness a team killer

The Exaggerator. He makes the problem bigger and more dire than it really is so he can assure his request gets funded. His new computer is way more important than anyone else’s. In my experience, people in IT have the corner on this one. Throw in a few jargon words like API, SAS followed by “security breach” and the boss is asking how soon he can have that computer set up.

The Diva. Everyone knows that if she doesn’t get her way, there’s going to be a meltdown soon. The Diva’s project, opinion and importance are always paramount. She gets offended easily and when challenged, outrage is sure to follow. “What do you mean, you disagree? Do you know how much experience I have in this field? Let me tell you . . . ”

The Drama Queen. Everything is about him. Yes, you don’t have to be a woman to be a drama queen; it’s gender-neutral. And, no, drama king doesn’t work. If a coworker is having a tough day, then the drama queen’s world becomes chaotic with extra stress over the situation. No matter what happens at the office, the drama queen will find a way to make it about herself. “Did you hear that Bob in accounting got fired?” “Bob? Why does everyone I care about leaves me?”

What other form of disguised selfishness have you encountered in the work force?

  • I have seen all 3 examples in the workplace. Definitely do NOT want to be one of them either. Thank you for the profiles and reminder to be OTHERS oriented. n

  • I’ve seen all three of these in play in the workplace. But I think there’s another one I would add for ministry: nnThe “God Told Me” Leader – that person who always starts or follows up their request by saying that they spent hours in prayer over it and God told them this is what should be done. Then, if you disagree, you aren’t disagreeing with them, but with God. So frustrating.

    • That’s the worst one of all! A lot of really bad stuff has gone down in under the “God Told Me” banner. n

  • I totally agree with all three types, and I have seen all three in the office that I work in. It is my goal not to be put in one of these self-centered categories…

  • I totally agree with all three types, and I have seen all three in the office that I work in. It is my goal not to be put in one of these self-centered categories…

  • Don’t forget Information Hoarder and Silo Builder. Both of them have a pet phrase: “Why do you need to know that?”

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