How Are You Wired for Creativity?


Part of my work at The A Group focus on helping leaders, speakers and authors with the creative part of their jobs. Several of my clients are pastors of large congregations and ministries and part of my work is to help them develop teaching series ideas, book topics, titles and creative concepts for their ministries. Some believe that the creative process is as mysterious as a muse who descends upon humans at her will to impart inspiration. I must say I’ve had a few inspirational moments over the years, but most of my best creative work comes through a process that is not as much magical, as it is intentional.

How are you wired creatively Maurilio Amorim

I plan on writing more about the process in future posts, but before I can make any progress with a client, I need to understand his or her “creative style.” Usually most of my clients fit in one of or a combination of the following creative styles:

Verbal Processor. You need to talk your way through a problem or opportunity. You say a lot and most of it never works, but then something great comes out and it sticks.

Thinker. You listen to ideas or options but unlike the verbal processor, you’re not willing to commit or even comment on them until you’ve had a chance to think it through. Thinkers usually have to see the entire process through in their minds before they sign off on a course of action. But once they do, they never look back.

Slow Starter. Slow starters are not good at coming up with ideas on their own. However, once you give them a good idea, they can take it and run with it. They might start slow, but they usually finish strong.

Kinetic Creative. Also know as the ADD learner, the Kinetic Creative has to be doing something physical before they can think creatively. I have clients who do their best working on the golf course, during a morning jog, and even walking in a shopping mall.

My job as a creative coach is to understand how my clients are wired for creative output and help them develop their best work.

How are you wired for Creativity? Do you have another category that I didn’t mention?

  • I'm probably a combination of the first two, but I would propose one more category as about 20% of my ideas come while either in the shower or on the toilet.

    I wouldn't call myself creative, but I've learned how to generate new ideas and surround myself with people who have more flair.

    • I'm a shower creative as well. Lot's of my better ideas come from there.

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  • Hmmm let me think about this at the gym and then talk it out on the way home and maybe I'll come up with something!

    I don't know that I've ever thought about this kind of wiring before Maurilio. I'mm taking myself back to some meetings and I can see how this plays out. Thanks for giving me a new way to think about how we engage and how people process creatively. Good ideas for long drive to Michigan!

    Thanks, friend.

    • I'd love to get your perspective since you have been in so many meetings with creatives.

  • Is there such a thing as the Four-in-One? I can a bit of myself in each of those types.

  • April

    I'm with Lawrence. I can see all four of those in myself.

    Part of the mystery of creativity to me is being open to which one will descend on me at any given time. Yes, there's work and intentionality. But, often either the idea takes flight or it doesn't regardless of how intentional I am.

    • A good idea is easy to give life to. You can throw a lot of money into a bad idea; it just takes longer to die.

  • I like how you mentioned for yourself that those creative moments aren't as much magical as intentional.

    As a former songwriter, most other writers I knew were waiting for that devine inpiration (I always cringed when someone said "God wrote this song". I was like "um, what if I think the song stinks? is God gonna snub me in heaven?") I use to challenge myself to write 3-5 songs per week. 60% usually stunk, but that percentage went down more as I kept at it. I've been apllying the same method with blogging (once a week , and not veering off that mark). Though I'm still a rookie, I'm finding that inspiration happens when I stare at that blank screen and say "Go!!"

    Thanks, Maurilio

    (um…so no fashion Friday? (single tear) …ok!)

  • cool post! I think I'm a verbal processor. Creativity is intentional – love that!

  • msarabia

    I'm a Thinker in the beginning of a project and a Kinetic Creative at the end of a project. Once I grab a hold of the concept I run with it!

    • Finish well is always more important than starting fast.

  • Your job sounds fascinating. What is your favorite part?

    I'm definitely a cross between Kinetic & Verbal. The ADD is definitely a factor and if I don't write down or talk about an idea with someone it tends to disappear.

    • I love seeing the whole thing come together at the end. I'm going to write a series of blogs based on a communication session and how that grew into a full marketing campaign.

  • I'm probably a verbal processor. But I do have to think through the whole process before I sign off on it. Great article!

  • That's the other side of the coin: creatives who can't figure out how to take something from an idea into reality. Nice point.

  • Jason Larsen

    Whoops – thought I was logged in for the comment above. You can delete that, and I'll re-submit if necessary. Thanks!

  • So true. Ideas need tracks in order for them to grown.

  • This is cool. I'm definitely a Thinker and a little bit of a Slow Starter. I tend to be able to take someone's idea and make it much better.

  • Kenny Miracle

    This is great! It's true that creativity is more intentional than merely spontaneous inspiration. I find that when it's my idea I'm a verbal processor, but if someone else is pitching an idea to me then I'm more of a thinker. I'll support them, but be hesitant to jump on board until I see it works.


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