Leadership and Your Workplace Culture


Every organization has a culture that sets not only the vision, mission, and goals, but also pace and tone. These dynamics define not only the bottom line of productivity, but also the interpersonal dynamics across the entire organization. And the organizational culture is set by its leader.

bullie at work leadership culture

The tyrant creates a fear-based work environment where he keeps everyone on their tiptoes and worried about their job security. Most people try to avoid the wrath of the leader by keeping their heads down and doing what they are told. It stifles creativity and initiative. High capacity individuals don’t last long in this environment.

The arrogant leader creates a non-learning organization. Enough success in one area becomes a reason to become the expert in every area. In this setting people talk more than they  listen. Disaster is just around the corner, however.

The passive leader creates chaos. Leaders who avoid confrontation usually allow those with the strongest personalities within the organization to bully and intimidate others into getting their agenda accomplished. This leads to a culture where you have to be able to fight your way into getting things done. The survival-of-the-fittest work place eats and spits out those who enjoy collaboration and team work. It’s a jungle there and you better strike first and hard or else you are done.

What other types of cultures have you seen?


  • Tim Osborn

    The rear-view mirror leader spends the majority of his time critiquing the past instead of setting the vision of a preferable future. People soon develop unspoken goals around “not failing” instead of advancing the cause. Operational data and measurement are highly valued; creativity and intuition dismissed.

    • We need to understand the past if we don’t want to repeat it, but we must not dwell there. Good point.

  • Linden

    The reluctant leader has adopted a leadership role without really wanting it or being prepared for it. No one wins.
    But….they aren’t all negative! 🙂
    There are effective leaders who support, encourage, and educate their tribe. When a balance of vision for the future and day-to-day production, everyone wins.

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