This Blanket Will Save My Marriage


 There’s not much to say about this product only that it will save my marriage. After years of conflict and misery over my love of Mexican food and its unfortunate side effects, a solution has been found: The Better Marriage Blanket.

I’m buying stock in the company. If this thing works, I have a feeling it will be huge for Mexican food lovers everywhere.

Are you joining me in purchasing one? Who in your family is the most “deserving” person for the blanket?

  • Julie

    OMG. Where has it been all my life. I'm ordering one today for my husband. Thanks for sharing.

  • Mark Smith

    Is this a joke? You've got to be kidding me.

  • MaurilioAmorim

    Not a joke at all. you can visit their website at

  • Sally Dubois

    If this miracle blanket works, I'm buying one for my teenage son. I walk in his room in the mornings and I often thing something is dead in there.

  • John_Gallagher

    Sally, I think you are on to something with the teenage son thing!

  • Chris

    Wow. I am definitely most deserving in the family. My 2 year old is a close second.

  • Chris

    My wife just informed me that we're getting one. lol

  • traci

    Please let me know if this is working and if they are preparing an anti-snoring one as well.

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