Travel Log: Hong Kong part 2


These are a few more pictures I took with my trusty iPhone. They are a bit random, but, again, so am I.

Beautiful Repulse Bay. Who calls a place this nice “Repulse”?

They call it the Chinese Riviera deservedly so.

So the beach is immaculately clean. That’s because according to the sign above, you cannot do anything but look at it.
Beautiful view atop Victoria’s Peak. Yep, iPhone.

Juxtaposition of old and new worlds.
Note the leopard print detail. . .
and to finish the ensemble: matching breathing mask. Love the fashion forward of Hong Kong

This picture strikes fear in the heart of middle-aged man everywhere. Steve Shantz, my travel companion poses in front of our nemesis
  • Mark Taylor

    Mister Softee is killing me.

  • Sally Epps

    I loved the matching boots and mask. And speaking of fashion trends, did you wear your skinny jeans?

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