Google Wave to Change the Way We Communicate


Google has changed the way we catalog and access information. Now the geniuses are out to redefine and change the way we communicate. Google Wave is schedule to come out later this year, and if it is successful it will kill email as we know it. This is a long presentation, but it’s worth your time to see how Wave might change the way we communicate.

How quick are you to adopt a new communication platform?

  • Jason Gardeu

    I love the cloud technology that allows everything to stay connected in real time. I will definitely use it.

  • Mark Allen

    question: When the content lives in a server somewhere, who owns it?

  • Mark, That's a great question. Once the conversation, media, etc, is online then it cannot ever be truly erased since the user is not ultimately in control of the server where the data lives.

  • i quickly adopt new communication platforms…if they help me communicate in a better wayunfortunately, a lot of people prefer 'familiar' over 'better'Google's biggest hurdle isn't developing an awesome new communications platform. From what I've seen of Google Wave, they are already well on their way to doing that. The biggest hurdle to unseating traditional email as the platform of choice is going to be changing the behavior of people who prefer 'familiar' over 'better'i'm extremely anxious to see if Google Wave will be able to work its way into corporate America

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