Posts Tagged ‘making a difference’



Are You Really Making a Difference?

Sometimes I wonder if I’m making a difference for my clients. Then there are days like yesterday. Recently I connected with a pastor I had done some strategic work several years ago. I remember our first meeting and how much work I knew it would take for his church to become an outwardly-focused, evangelistic congregation. This was not just cosmetic changes, but a fundamental shift in the way he did ministry. It was going to be costly, in terms of losing core people who liked the circle-up-the-wagons approach to ministry they had,  and costly in the terms of all the dollars that would walk out of the door along with those people. As we reconnected and he shared what God has done in his congregation since those days, I was blown away. I was right. It was a painful transition, and they did lose a lot of people, but I’m…

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It’s Up to Us to Make it Happen

I ran into this video on my friend Jeff Holton’s Facebook wall. It spoke to me deeply. I hope it will speak to you as well. Have you ever been moved to quit your job and follow your heart?

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