Posts Tagged ‘Benies’



Should I Wear a Hat?

So what’s the deal with men’s hats? Who should wear them and what style? Hats have been a staple of men’s fashion since Adam decided to wear a nice crown made of bay leaves, so the rumor goes. Some hats are more utilitarian, like Beanies, keep our heads warm during the cold months, even though they have become a fashion statement from gyms to red carpet events. Others, like the Fedora, set men apart in a crowd.  But no matter what kind of hat you decide to wear, it will make a fashion statement. While the modern-day hat is not quite as elaborate as its ancestor. Here’s a helpful news segment from CBN’s Early Show featuring the Editor of GQ magazine: No matter what hat you wear, keep these few rules in mind: Make sure the hat fits your head. Go to a hat store, or one that sells hats,…

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