How To Tie a Skinny Tie


With the return of the skinny tie to men’s fashion, I’m often asked what’s the best knot for it. Lately I have helped friends, family, and even a men’s apparel store salesman with their tie tying issues (he had trouble with a bow tie, however). Personally I like to use either the four-in-hand or the Half Windsor knot for the skinny tie. The Full Windsor is too bulky and looks out of proportion on a thin tie. Also, I would not recommend the Full Windsor unless you are wearing a spread collar shirt that allows for the larger, bulkier knot. Here are a couple of videos on how to tie two of the most popular knots.


Four in hand knot fashion friday hot to tie a skinny tie

half windsor tie knot fashion friday

What’s your favorite knot? How do you feel about the skinny tie come back?

  • Love the skinny tie!!

    My dad taught me some simple hybrid method Four-In-Hand.  Think I’ll try this method.  I’ve always wanted to know how to do a Windsor.  Thanks for posting this.

  • Love the skinny tie!!

    My dad taught me some simple hybrid method Four-In-Hand.  Think I’ll try this method.  I’ve always wanted to know how to do a Windsor.  Thanks for posting this.

  • Love the skinny tie!!

    My dad taught me some simple hybrid method Four-In-Hand.  Think I’ll try this method.  I’ve always wanted to know how to do a Windsor.  Thanks for posting this.

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