Our Choices, Not Resolutions Matter the Most


Most people start well. Most people don’t finish so well. Resolutions fail more than they succeed.  So as we look forward to all the promises and opportunities a new year brings us, we find ourselves out of the gate filled with hope that perhaps this is the year that changes everything. We hope for the break that will come our way, the call back from the right someone, the miraculous intervention from God. These are, after all, the key events in our future that could literally make our year. In my experience, however, it’s not the big break that will make the most difference at the end of the year, but the cumulative effect of everyday choices.

Your choices Not Your Resolution will affect your life

As we start this race toward the end of 2011 our decisions more than our resolutions will carry the day and eventually the year. So choose wisely.

Choose God.

Choose your family.

Choose health.

Choose to give of yourself.

Choose to say no to immediate gratification so you can say yes to a better future.

Choose to grow.

Choose to live well.

Choose to believe you’re worth it.

Choose your friends.

Choose joy.

Choose to love.

What’s the first choice you have to make today that will move you closer to where you want to go?

  • Ralph Lewis

    Man, I really needed to hear that today. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Choosing God more. If we get that part right, then everything else just comes into place.

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  • Amy

    I need to choose contentment and stop wishing for things God doesn't want me to have right now. It hurts, but I have to trust that He knows what's best for me. When I spend less energy on wishing for and imagining things I want, I'll have that energy to use toward my future, or for the better good of someone around me.

    • That's a hard but necessary lesson. Sometimes the very thing we want it's what will cause us the most pain.

  • So true. While God can forgive our bad choices, their consequences are still real in our lives.

  • Well said. I think for me, my first choice is doing a better job at saying no to the things that are good but perhaps not great. Saying no more so I can say yes more (to the things I value most).

    • Stephen Covey puts it this way "it's easy to say "no" when there's a deeper "yes" within."

  • I really feel like the biggest hurdle to progress in my life (specifically in reference to my 2011 goals) is choice.

    I want to do great things in 2011, but I've already started to experience resistance from myself. Not only do I have doubts about my ability to follow through, but I'm easily distracted from productivity. Praying for focus in 2011 and the discipline to say "no" more often to trivial activities (damn you Angry Birds!!) and "yes" to what adds value to my life and those around me.

    • I pray that you're able to be strategic about your time. I gave up TV during the week so I could write my blog posts during the evenings. The best exchange ever.

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