Before You Make a Career Change


More than any other time in my career, I have had more people ask me how I started The A Group. These are entrepreneurs who for a variety of reasons find themselves in transition. Look around you. A lot of us are in transition right now. Jobs are going away or morphing into something completely different than you signed up for. Jobs that were profitable a few years ago, are disappearing today, so now you’re re-evaluating your options. If you’re considering a career change, here’s a few thoughts.

Considerations for your new career Maurilio Amorim

Be honest with yourself. Yes, the recession has wreaked havoc in the job market, but it’s easy to blame the economy on our bad job performance or misaligned career choice. Ask yourself, “even if times were good, was that the best job for me?” A good friend came to a sober and yet liberating realization recently. He decided that his career path was not a good fit for his skills and personality. The tough job market forced him to rethink his choices and make a change that potentially would have taken much longer to make and keep him from personally fulfilling work.

Remove old labels. What worked in a now failed economy or industry most likely will not work in the new one. Don’t try to use the language of yesterday to created the position for tomorrow. I wrote a post about that here. Think about what you can offer, deliver, fix or create for someone or organization. What need do you see in ministry or in the marketplace that you can meet? When the rules change, there are always new opportunities that arise. Design your new business or position based on the new opportunity. No matter the economic climate, if you can deliver value, you’ll always have business.

Your self worth should come from who you are and not from what you do. The argument usually goes like “but I want to do work that matters, something that makes a difference.” While I understand the sentiment behind the words, I think we might be missing the boat here. Sometimes work done well allow us to find time, resources and tools to serve, give and do ministry. Somehow we have shifted our cultural status quo ideal from a highly lucrative work towards a socially-conscientious, environmentally-friendly and animal-protecting job. But as Christians, our value and personal fulfillment should come from our view of God and His value of us and not from what we do.

We have replaced money with social conscience. While it sounds more noble, it’s no less wrong.

What trends have you notice in your profession?

  • Josh Miller

    I’ve always talked with people I trusted before a career change. A true friend who can honestly speak into your life is invaluable. I’m not talking about your mom, either.

  • Wow, Maurilio. Your third point really hit home with me. I've uttered the sentiment about doing work that matters many, many times…and to the detriment of real ministry. I have found myself working long hours and with no vacations just to eke out revenue, but I'm doing "work that matters." And then when ministry opportunity comes, or meeting someone's needs arises, I'm ineffectual because I'm either too tired, too over-committed or too poor.

    Thank you for the insight, encouragement and the reminder that "our value and personal fulfillment should come from our view of God and His value of us and not from what we do."

    • Dennis, I have been guilty of the same thing many times over the years. You're not alone on this one.

  • Good post, and timely. Looking at all my options right now and praying for direction.

  • Josh Miller

    I've always talked with people I trusted before a career change. A true friend who can honestly speak into your life is invaluable. I'm not talking about your mom, either.

    • Good point, Josh. I good friend can be honest with you and help you find a career path that fits your skills and personality. Mom usually thinks you can do just about anything better than most every one.

  • I can relate to this. I've been going through a transition. I always keep in the front of my mind what my first job is, and that is being obedient to the Lord. I do not need a specific job or a certain platform to do that. I have noticed tons of jobs and fields drying up. Accounting, health-care and music in Nashville are all changing. The first thing that needs to change is our desire to look for a job in order to make bank and live the "American Dream." The American Dream and the Gospel are in opposition.

  • Jason Larsen

    I really like your last point mentioning where our self worth comes from. It seems easy to get caught up in a title or something that sounds important, when it's really best for us to be in a place where we're operating out of our strengths and the talents that God has given us.

    Thanks for your posts, Maurilio!

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