You’re Stuck. Now What?


There’s nothing worst than being stuck. That’s a place where you’ve tried everything you know, every trick in the book and nothing has worked. And now you find yourself not able to move forward, upward, sideways or even backwards. The odds are you’re stuck right now trying to figure out what to do next. Some part, or facet of your life is paralyzed, literally stuck. You can’t make a move because, from where you are, there are no moves to make. And now what?

stuck now what Maurilio Amorim Blog

Maybe it’s your career. After all the years of school, work or both, you should be further ahead, but you’re not. You’re stuck.

Maybe you’re caught in a relational nightmare. You’re tried everything you know to move out of this bad place but nothing has worked. What once promised so much happiness is now a source of pain and regret. You’re stuck.

Finances are always getting people in trouble, but you never thought it would be a problem for you because you have always managed to make it work. That is until now.  You’re stuck.

Spiritually you want to live out the epic story you believe God has for you, but your heart is dry, your faith is low and God no more speaks to you than does the man in the moon. You’ve even stopped wondering through the wilderness. You’re just stuck.

Today I was reminded of the Old Testament story of Joseph. Remember him? He was sold in slavery by his jealous brothers, was falsely accused of attempted rape by his boss’s lusty wife, then sent to prison and left there for years stuck in one bad situation after another. And yet, later in life, Joseph was the one who devised and implemented a plan that saved an entire nation, including his own clan. At the end of Genesis, he delivers the most poignant line of his story: “What people meant for evil, God used it for good.”

There’s so much we can learn from Joseph. However,  even before he knew God was going to use his circumstances for the good of nations, even while he was stuck in bad situation after bad situation he couldn’t predict or control, Joseph always remained faithful. He did the right things and kept doing them until his destiny was fulfilled.

I’m stuck right now. There are important relationships is my life I don’t know what else to do to restore them. I’ve exhausted all my resources, and quite frankly, all my patience as well. The last thing I want to do is to be faithful and continue to pursue them. After all, I feel I’ve done more than my fair share.  But I know that if I quit, I will be stuck here forever. If I chose not to be faithful in pursuing them, there will be no redemption, no restitution and God’s best for me will go unrealized. So, I’ll keep being faithful, sometimes unwillingly, but always hopeful.

Where are you stuck right now?  Where do you need to continue to be faithful?

  • Amy

    Loved this–and chuckled because I wrote my newspaper column about being "stuck" this week too! Must be a theme, or the lack of rain, or something. 🙂

    • Truth is we're all stuck at some level. This is always a relevant topic as long as people are honest with themselves. But brilliant minds work in sync. 🙂

  • Holly Moore

    Thanks for this post Maurilio. I appreciated your honesty and encouragement. I'm trying to get "un-stuck" in a few areas in my life too!

    • Well Holly, you're not alone for sure. Thank you for stopping by.

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  • jonmalstrom

    As Amy said, this must be a theme. I wrote a blog post Tuesday about being stuck, in career and in following my dreams. So much of my "stuckness" comes from comparing myself to others and never feeling like I can live up to a warped perception of success.

    • Jon, the whole "comparing myself to others" is a whole new blog post waiting to be written.

  • Thanks for this transparent post. It speaks right to my current situation, too.

    I'm reminded that Elizabeth Elliot has often given this simple advice to stuck people: "do the next thing." It is challenging to not be paralyzed by the emotions that accompany being stuck. In most cases, the best thing to do is the next thing – whatever that may be.

    Hang in there, Maurilio!

  • I'm stuck on not going to my areas of weakness, because that is where God is most powerful.

    • Our areas of weakness is where we think we have the least control. The truth is we don't control any of it.

  • I've been stuck for years and just in the last week have really started taking steps to try and unstick. It's not easy. I'm just finally throwing aside excuses that allowed me to be comfortable in my sticking and step out. What happens next only God knows. But He's in it. That's good enough for me.

    • It sounds like exciting times for you, Jason. You can never go wrong by trusting God. Awesome.

  • Mike

    Thanks Maurilio, this was timely. Ive been stuck in my "job" for awhile. Your words stirred me to do someting about it.

  • swmackey

    Sometimes we have no influence over the situation we're stuck in. I needed the reminder of Joseph's example today. Even when we don't have any influence over things, God's still in control and all we have to do is trust his plan.
    Thanks for the post – Steve

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