Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category



Content Marketing Rules: How to Add VALUE to Your Posts

Content is still king in 2015, but how do you generate meaningful social media that provides VALUE? By focusing on creating content that will be: Visual Amuse             and by making sure you Listen Unify Engage with your audience.   VISUAL A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes a thousand clicks. When you scroll through your news feed on your smart phone, what catches your eye? Photo posts account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook. Photos on Facebook generate 53% more likes than the average text only post (Hubspot 2012). Use pictures and video to your advantage by creating compelling images that share the story of your brand and its impact, your brand’s history, and celebrate your customers. AMUSE Even the most conservative brands and organizations can have fun. Show your wittier side and your fans will love you. Think about the unpredictable humor behind…

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My Top 10 Posts of 2010

Some I saw coming but others I must say caught me by surprise. The top 10 posts of 2010 are interesting reflections of me: eclectic, serious, fun, and honest.  In August I changed platforms from Blogger into self-hosted WordPress, did a major face lift, and began posting every day. The results were significant: traffic jumped 10 times what it was earlier this year and commenting and interactivity also spiked. I have gotten to know some new friends who are stopping by on a regular basis, and I feel more a sense of community building with each post. These posts reflect reactions and thoughts of events, ideas and lessons I’m facing daily. I usually write them after a full day of meetings, ideas and conversations. There’s always a nugget of truth, a funny story or something that drives me crazy during my day that makes its way into a post. I…

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